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Abbreviation: Sgr
Genitive: Sagittarii
Right Ascension: 19.11 hours
Declination: -25.77 degrees
  Sagittarius, the Archer, can be seen in the summer in the Northern Hemisphere and in winter in the Southern.

Sagittarius probably originated with the Babylonians. He stands with his bow aimed at the heart of Scorpio. Sagittarius was Babylon's god of War.

In Greek mythology, the centaur Chiron invented Sagittarius so that the Argonauts could find their way to Colchis.

  Bright Stars | Deep Sky | Other Deep Sky | Variable Stars | Double Stars

Best Known Stars

(Yale Bright Star Catalog)
Common Name
or Bayer Number 1
RA DEC Magnitude 2
KAUS AUSTRALIS 18.00:24.00:10.32 -34.00:23.00:4.73 1.85
NUNKI 18.00:55.00:15.92 -26.00:17.00:48.23 2.02
KAUS MEDIA 18.00:20.00:59.65 -29.00:49.00:41.33 2.70
KAUS BOREALIS 18.00:27.00:58.24 -25.00:25.00:18.15 2.81
PI SGR 19.00:9.00:45.83 -21.00:1.00:25.06 2.89
ALNASL 18.00:5.00:48.49 -30.00:25.00:26.69 2.99
ETA SGR 18.00:17.00:37.64 -36.00:45.00:42.15 3.11
XI2 SGR 18.00:57.00:43.79 -21.00:6.00:23.97 3.51
MU SGR 18.00:13.00:45.81 -21.00:3.00:31.79 3.86
RUKBAT 19.00:23.00:53.16 -40.00:36.00:57.58 3.97
IOT SGR 19.00:55.00:15.69 -41.00:52.00:6.05 4.13
THE1 SGR 19.00:59.00:44.18 -35.00:16.00:34.74 4.37
62 SGR 20.00:2.00:39.49 -27.00:42.00:35.40 4.58
52 SGR 19.00:36.00:42.43 -24.00:53.00:0.95 4.60
UPS SGR 19.00:21.00:43.62 -15.00:57.00:18.09 4.61
56 SGR 19.00:46.00:21.73 -19.00:45.00:40.01 4.88
43 SGR 19.00:17.00:38.07 -18.00:57.00:10.72 4.90
61 SGR 19.00:57.00:57.03 -15.00:29.00:29.43 5.02
55 SGR 19.00:42.00:31.13 -16.00:7.00:26.43 5.06
54 SGR 19.00:40.00:43.38 -16.00:17.00:35.66 5.30
KAP1 SGR 20.00:22.00:27.51 -42.00:2.00:58.58 5.59

Deep Sky Objects

(PAS Catalog)


M-17 The Omega or Swan Nebula. Probably my personal favorite example of nebulosity, M-17 is seen as a curving check mark relatively bright nebulosity, with many dark mottlings seen, especially along its straighter portion. As with most astronomical objects, the longer this nebula is studied, the more detail becomes apparent. A UHC filter is helpful, but definitely not necessary with this celestial gem.


M-18 is an open cluster, and is best observed in small telescopes, which show over a dozen of fairly bright stars (the Sky Catalog 2000 lists it with 20 members).


M-20 The Trifid Nebula. Only a short distance north of M-8, this object is rather easily found, but is considerably fainter than that object. A double star is seen surrounded by a mostly circular patch of light. This patch of light is divided into three separate regions by dark lanes which intersect near its center. On a good night, a fainter region of reflection nebulosity of almost equal size as the main portion can be seen to the north.


M-21 is an open cluster which shows quite a strong concentration of stars near its center.


M-22 Probably the finest globular cluster easily seen by observers at temperate northern latitudes. This cluster is about 15-20' in diameter, and is fairly easily resolved to its center. Many stars are seen in this rather loosely gathered globular cluster. This is a 'must see' object.


M-23 is an open cluster, and is a beautiful object for small telescopes and binoculars in the summer Milky Way.


M-24 The Small Sagittarius Star Cloud. This large and milky patch of light is easily seen with the naked eye as a disconnected portion of the Milky Way. Its large size makes it best seen in binoculars. Dark streaks running its length are seen against a backdrop of countless stars. Within its boundaries lies


M-25 is an open cluster.


M-28 is a globular cluster, which is slightly elliptical shaped according to H. Shapley. To resolve it into stars, larger instruments are required;


M-54 is cataloged as a globular cluster, but it is actually too far away to be in the Milky-Way galaxy. It is bright but small so that it may be overlooked in smaller binoculars (i.e. taken for a star), its bright core being only 2.1' in diameter, while the outlayers reach out to 6' on photos, or even to 9.1' at very long exposures.


M-55 is a large globular cluster (about 19', roughly 2/3 of the Moon's apparent diameter) but has such a loose appearence


M-69, similar as its neighbor M70, is one of the smaller and fainter globular clusters in Messier's catalog. It can just be seen on a dark night with a 7x50 or 10x50 pair of binoculars,


Appearing approximately as bright and big as its neighbor M69, globular star cluster M70 is indeed only a little more luminous and little bigger, and a bit more remote (28,000 light years). Both are quite close to the galactic center, so they are both subject to quite strong tidal gravitational forces.


M-75 is one of the more remote of Messier's globular clusters, lying well beyond the Galactic center.


M-8 The Lagoon Nebula. With the possible exception of the Great Orion Nebula (M-42), this is probably the finest cluster and nebula combination in the heavens. A large and loosely scattered open cluster is seen in juxtaposition with a large and swirling mist of nebulosity. Many dark regions can be seen in looping patterns which are highlighted by the brighter regions. This object is easily seen in finder scopes, binoculars, and with the naked eye.


NGC 6440 This is a small, highly concentrated globular cluster with an almost stellar core. I was not able to resolve it in my telescope, but it makes a fine low power eyepiece pair with the next object.


NGC 6445 This planetary nebula is rather large, about 50 seconds in diameter. It is grey, and averted vision hints at a darker region near its center, implying angularity. There is a field star very close to, but not imbedded in the northwest side of the nebula.


NGC 6603, which has sometimes been erroneously identified as M- 24. This cluster is a small and tightly gathered grouping of stars which is best seen through a telescope.


NGC 6818 Another planetary nebula, about 15-20 seconds in diameter with a definite blue-green color to it. It is slightly extended in the north-south direction, and angularity is hinted at with averted vision.


NGC 6822 Barnard's Galaxy. Only a short distance away from NGC 6818, this elusive galaxy is actually a member of the Local Group of galaxies. It is a low mass galaxy whose feeble light is spread over an area of about 15'x5', and is extended in the north-south direction. This faint object is best seen on nights of excellent clarity, and with instruments of moderate aperture.

Other Deep Sky Objects

(Saguaro Astronomy Club Catalog)
  Only Objects less than 10.0 Mag.
Object R.A. Dec. Object Type 3 Mag. Uranometria Tirion
Cr 347 17 46.4 -29 18 OPNCL 08.8 377 22
NGC 6440 17 48.9 -20 22 GLOCL 09.7 338 22
Cr 351 17 49.4 -28 44 OPNCL 09.3 377 22
NGC 6469 17 52.9 -22 21 OPNCL 08.2 339 22
NGC 6652 18 35.8 -32 59 GLOCL 08.9 378 22
NGC 6494 17 56.8 -19 01 OPNCL 05.5 339 15
NGC 6507 17 59.6 -17 24 OPNCL 09.6 339 15
Tr 31 17 59.9 -28 11 OPNCL 09.8 377 22
Bochum 14 18 02.0 -23 42 OPNCL 09.3 339 22
NGC 6514 18 02.3 -23 02 CL+NB 06.3 339 22
NGC 6523 18 03.1 -24 23 CL+NB 05 339 22
NGC 6520 18 03.4 -27 54 OPNCL 07.6 339 22
NGC 6522 18 03.6 -30 02 GLOCL 08.6 377 22
NGC 6531 18 04.6 -22 30 OPNCL 05.9 339 22
NGC 6530 18 04.8 -24 20 OPNCL 04.6 339 22
NGC 6528 18 04.8 -30 03 GLOCL 09.5 377 22
NGC 6546 18 07.2 -23 20 OPNCL 08 339 22
NGC 6544 18 07.3 -25 00 GLOCL 08.3 339 22
NGC 6553 18 09.3 -25 54 GLOCL 08.3 339 22
Cr 367 18 09.6 -23 59 OPNCL 06.4 339 22
NGC 6568 18 12.8 -21 36 OPNCL 08.6 339 22
NGC 6569 18 13.6 -31 50 GLOCL 08.7 377 22
NGC 6583 18 15.8 -22 08 OPNCL 10.0 339 22
Cr 469 18 16.4 -18 13 OPNCL 09.1 339 15
Mel 197 18 17.0 -18 35 OPNCL 04 339 22
NGC 6595 18 17.0 -19 53 OPNCL 07 339 15
NGC 6613 18 19.9 -17 08 OPNCL 06.9 339 15
NGC 6618 18 20.8 -16 11 CL+NB 06 294 15
NGC 6624 18 23.7 -30 22 GLOCL 08.3 378 22
NGC 6626 18 24.5 -24 52 GLOCL 06.9 340 22
Tr 33 18 24.8 -19 41 OPNCL 07.8 340 15
NGC 6638 18 30.9 -25 30 GLOCL 09.2 340 22
IC 4725 18 31.6 -19 15 OPNCL 04.6 340 15
NGC 6642 18 31.9 -23 29 GLOCL 08.8 340 22
NGC 6645 18 32.6 -16 54 OPNCL 08.5 295 15
NGC 6647 18 33.3 -17 20 OPNCL 08 340 15
NGC 6637 18 34.4 -32 21 GLOCL 07.7 378 22
NGC 6656 18 36.4 -23 54 GLOCL 05.1 340 22
NGC 6681 18 43.2 -32 18 GLOCL 08.1 378 22
Cr 394 18 53.5 -20 23 OPNCL 06.3 340 22
NGC 6716 18 54.6 -19 53 OPNCL 07.5 340 15
Pal 9 18 55.1 -22 42 GLOCL 09.2 340 22
NGC 6715 18 55.1 -30 29 GLOCL 07.7 378 22
NGC 6723 18 59.6 -36 38 GLOCL 07.3 378 22
NGC 6809 19 40.0 -30 58 GLOCL 07 379 22
NGC 6818 19 44.0 -14 09 PLNNB 10.0 297 16
NGC 6822 19 44.9 -14 45 GALXY 08.8 297 16
NGC 6864 20 06.1 -21 55 GLOCL 08.6 343 23

Variable Stars

(General Catalog of Variable Stars)
  Only Objects <= 8.0 magnitude
(hh mm
(deg mm ss)
Variable Type 4 Mag. Min Mag. Max
U Sgr 18.00:28.00:56.50 -19.00:9.00:42.00 DCEP 7.15 6.28
W Sgr 18.00:1.00:49.50 -29.00:35.00:3.00 DCEP 5.14 4.29
X Sgr 17.00:44.00:24.70 -27.00:48.00:49.00 DCEP 4.90 4.20
Y Sgr 18.00:18.00:26.50 -18.00:53.00:3.00 DCEP 6.24 5.25
RS Sgr 18.00:14.00:17.20 -34.00:7.00:35.00 EA/SD 6.97 6.01
YZ Sgr 18.00:46.00:35.10 -16.00:46.00:52.00 DCEP 7.76 7.02
AP Sgr 18.00:10.00:0.20 -23.00:7.00:52.00 DCEP 7.41 6.52
BB Sgr 18.00:48.00:2.00 -20.00:21.00:19.00 DCEP 7.30 6.55
V0350 Sgr 18.00:42.00:19.10 -20.00:42.00:1.00 DCEP 7.83 7.08
V0356 Sgr 18.00:44.00:54.40 -20.00:19.00:49.00 EA/DS: 7.66 6.84
V0505 Sgr 19.00:50.00:17.20 -14.00:43.00:58.00 EA/SD 7.51 6.46
V1647 Sgr 17.00:55.00:49.50 -36.00:56.00:8.00 EA/DM 7.57 6.94
V1942 Sgr 19.00:16.00:17.80 -16.00:0.00:3.00 LB 7.00 6.74
V2509 Sgr 18.00:12.00:28.40 -35.00:39.00:16.00 EB/KE 7.71 7.35
V3508 Sgr 18.00:28.00:27.40 -19.00:11.00:41.00 GCAS 8.00 7.70
V3790 Sgr 19.00:30.00:28.20 -16.00:43.00:6.00 LB: 7.54 7.24
V3792 Sgr 18.00:5.00:48.50 -25.00:28.00:54.00 EB/DM 6.88 6.43
V3872 Sgr 19.00:59.00:35.20 -27.00:51.00:2.00 LB 4.64 4.45
V3877 Sgr 18.00:33.00:5.00 -35.00:29.00:20.00 SRB 7.30 6.84
V3879 Sgr 18.00:39.00:58.40 -19.00:20.00:1.00 SRB 6.58 6.05
V3880 Sgr 19.00:5.00:56.00 -22.00:19.00:12.00 M 3.10 1.70
V3894 Sgr 17.00:45.00:20.10 -26.00:57.00:33.00 EB/D 6.39 6.21
V3903 Sgr 18.00:6.00:14.30 -23.00:59.00:52.00 INA: 7.45 7.00
V3954 Sgr 19.00:8.00:0.50 -15.00:9.00:39.00 LB: 7.52 7.15
V3961 Sgr 19.00:48.00:27.10 -40.00:0.00:10.00 ACV 5.34 5.28
V3966 Sgr 17.00:55.00:6.00 -28.00:54.00:30.00 M 7.32 7.00
V3968 Sgr 17.00:55.00:13.00 -28.00:54.00:24.00 M 7.32 7.00
V3970 Sgr 17.00:55.00:19.00 -29.00:12.00:54.00 M 6.42 6.00
V3972 Sgr 17.00:55.00:33.00 -29.00:7.00:6.00 M 7.15 6.68
V3977 Sgr 17.00:56.00:4.00 -28.00:58.00:48.00 M 7.84 7.34
V3980 Sgr 17.00:56.00:20.00 -28.00:50.00:30.00 M 7.30 7.13
V3982 Sgr 17.00:56.00:32.00 -29.00:14.00:12.00 M 6.71 6.49
V3984 Sgr 17.00:56.00:38.60 -33.00:24.00:22.00 GCAS 0.18 7.38
V3985 Sgr 17.00:56.00:37.00 -28.00:59.00:24.00 SR: 6.60 6.25
V3987 Sgr 17.00:56.00:46.00 -28.00:53.00:30.00 M 6.39 6.12
V3990 Sgr 17.00:57.00:8.00 -28.00:55.00:30.00 M 7.83 7.36
V3991 Sgr 17.00:57.00:10.00 -28.00:50.00:6.00 SR: 7.62 7.47
V3992 Sgr 17.00:57.00:11.00 -29.00:6.00:54.00 M 7.28 6.80
V3995 Sgr 17.00:57.00:34.00 -29.00:11.00:12.00 M 6.98 6.69
V3996 Sgr 17.00:57.00:37.00 -29.00:10.00:24.00 M 7.80 7.41
V3999 Sgr 17.00:59.00:7.00 -29.00:59.00:18.00 M 6.58 5.67
V4000 Sgr 17.00:59.00:19.00 -30.00:6.00:54.00 M 7.31 6.44
V4001 Sgr 17.00:59.00:29.00 -30.00:5.00:30.00 M 6.57 5.77
V4005 Sgr 18.00:0.00:42.00 -30.00:1.00:0.00 M 7.10 7.03
V4008 Sgr 18.00:11.00:29.00 -27.00:58.00:18.00 M: 7.15 7.02
V4010 Sgr 18.00:12.00:19.00 -27.00:59.00:24.00 M 6.28 6.15
V4024 Sgr 19.00:5.00:20.40 -19.00:22.00:13.00 GCAS 5.60 5.34
V4026 Sgr 19.00:44.00:16.70 -17.00:12.00:6.00 SR: 6.90 6.69
V4028 Sgr 18.00:18.00:26.60 -24.00:56.00:22.00 SR: 6.38 6.10
V4031 Sgr 18.00:26.00:16.90 -25.00:17.00:25.00 GCAS 6.67 6.52
V4035 Sgr 17.00:59.00:6.00 -30.00:0.00:42.00 M 7.89 7.10
V4036 Sgr 17.00:59.00:14.00 -30.00:5.00:42.00 M 7.20 6.95
V4037 Sgr 17.00:59.00:23.00 -30.00:0.00:0.00 M 5.81 5.74
V4038 Sgr 17.00:59.00:56.00 -30.00:5.00:30.00 M 7.24 6.94
V4039 Sgr 18.00:0.00:8.00 -30.00:12.00:12.00 M 7.23 7.01
V4042 Sgr 18.00:1.00:2.00 -29.00:48.00:36.00 M 7.48 6.71
V4044 Sgr 18.00:1.00:31.00 -29.00:52.00:54.00 M 7.07 6.66
V4045 Sgr 18.00:8.00:47.50 -28.00:54.00:51.00 ACV 6.54 6.51
V4050 Sgr 18.00:19.00:29.70 -36.00:41.00:41.00 ACV 0.01 5.31
V4062 Sgr 19.00:35.00:49.10 -28.00:43.00:19.00 ACV 6.75 6.71
V4063 Sgr 19.00:39.00:35.90 -24.00:29.00:52.00 DSCT 0.12 7.90
V4064 Sgr 19.00:48.00:5.50 -27.00:36.00:1.00 ACV 7.36 7.23
V4088 Sgr 18.00:48.00:8.50 -20.00:21.00:36.00 E 7.87 7.49
V4089 Sgr 19.00:30.00:42.90 -40.00:8.00:38.00 EA/DM 6.07 5.87
V4090 Sgr 19.00:36.00:31.50 -39.00:32.00:53.00 EA/DM 6.81 6.58
V4120 Sgr 18.00:0.00:59.00 -20.00:19.00:30.00 M 1.00 0.60
V4133 Sgr 20.00:0.00:14.80 -38.00:59.00:35.00 ACV 6.92 6.90
V4138 Sgr 19.00:19.00:42.80 -20.00:44.00:17.00 RS 6.85 6.57
V4153 Sgr 19.00:17.00:18.00 -14.00:32.00:46.00 EA: 7.87 7.64
V4180 Sgr 18.00:27.00:21.00 -26.00:32.00:24.00 M 7.89 6.84
V4184 Sgr 18.00:29.00:3.00 -24.00:59.00:36.00 M 4.26 3.21
V4190 Sgr 18.00:32.00:22.20 -20.00:52.00:54.00 DSCTC 6.48 6.44
V4198 Sgr 19.00:4.00:12.80 -18.00:48.00:59.00 * 6.29 6.23
V4199 Sgr 19.00:18.00:41.40 -19.00:19.00:46.00 * 6.26 6.18
V4200 Sgr 19.00:51.00:18.20 -24.00:4.00:1.00 BY 0.07 6.18
V4201 Sgr 17.00:50.00:11.00 -26.00:56.00:0.00 SR 2.20 7.76
V4333 Sgr 19.00:33.00:31.30 -18.00:57.00:53.00 DSCT 5.60 5.48
eta Sgr 18.00:14.00:14.60 -36.00:46.00:43.00 LB: 3.12 3.05
mu Sgr 18.00:10.00:46.30 -21.00:4.00:25.00 EA+ACYG 3.88 3.80
rho 1 Sgr 19.00:18.00:46.40 -17.00:56.00:35.00 DSCTC 3.94 3.90
ups Sgr 19.00:18.00:51.80 -16.00:3.00:2.00 EB/GS 4.61 4.53

Double Stars

(Saguaro Astronomy Club Catalog)
  Only Objects <= 8.0 magnitude
Name R.A.
(hh mm.m)
(deg mm)
Mag 5 Sep 6 PA 7 Tirion Uranometria
HJ 5003 17 59.1 -30 18 5.0, 7.0 6.00 106 22 377
BU 132 18 11.2 -19 50 6.9, 7.3 1.30 195 15/ 16 339
BU 760 18 17.7 -36 44 3.2, 7.8 3.60 105 22 377/ 378
JC 6 18 25.4 -20 32 5.1, 7.6 1.70 288 15/ 16 339/ 340
BU 133 18 27.7 -26 38 6.9, 7.0 1.30 247 22 339/ 340
STN 62 18 34.5 -34 49 7.6, 7.9 2.10 134 22 378
H 126 19 04.4 -21 32 7.5, 7.8 1.20 204 22 341
STN 46 19 07.8 -15 59 6.8, 7.3 4.80 195 16 296
HJ 5094 19 12.8 -33 51 7.3, 7.9 24.70 187 22 379
S 715 19 17.6 -15 58 7.0, 7.5 8.40 16 16 296
DUN 226 19 22.6 -44 27 4.3, 7.4 28.30 77 22 410
S 722 19 39.1 -16 54 7.1, 7.6 10.20 236 16 297
DUN 230 20 17.8 -40 11 7.7, 8.0 9.80 117 23 380/ 381/ 411