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Abbreviation: Vir
Genitive: Virginis
Right Ascension: 13.21 hours
Declination: -3.73 degrees
  Virgo, the Virgin, can be seen in spring and summer in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn and winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

Virgo the Goddess probably originated when the Sun was in Virgo during the spring equinox, the time of the Egyptian harvest. She is usually drawn holding a palm branch and an ear of wheat.

To the Babylonians she was the goddess Istar, Queen of the stars, and the lover of the god of corn, Tammuz. Tammuz was cut down in his prime in the autumn, and so Virgo travels the underworld to bring him back. While Virgo is in the underworld, winter reigns, when she returns with him in the spring, the season renew.

  Bright Stars | Deep Sky | Other Deep Sky | Variable Stars | Double Stars

Best Known Stars

(Yale Bright Star Catalog)
Common Name
or Bayer Number 1
RA DEC Magnitude 2
SPICA 13.00:25.00:11.58 -11.00:9.00:40.71 0.98
VINDEMIATRIX 13.00:2.00:10.60 +10.00:57.00:32.88 2.83
ZET VIR 13.00:34.00:41.58 -0.00:35.00:45.39 3.37
DEL VIR 12.00:55.00:36.21 +3.00:23.00:50.75 3.38
ZAVIJAVA 11.00:50.00:41.72 +1.00:45.00:52.86 3.61
109 VIR 14.00:46.00:14.93 +1.00:53.00:34.16 3.72
MU VIR 14.00:43.00:3.62 -5.00:39.00:29.56 3.88
ZANIAH 12.00:19.00:54.35 -0.00:40.00:0.51 3.89
NU VIR 11.00:45.00:51.56 +6.00:31.00:45.55 4.03
SYRMA 14.00:16.00:0.91 -6.00:0.00:2.04 4.08
OMI VIR 12.00:5.00:12.53 +8.00:43.00:58.58 4.12
KAP VIR 14.00:12.00:53.75 -10.00:16.00:25.44 4.19
TAU VIR 14.00:1.00:38.79 +1.00:32.00:40.24 4.26
THE VIR 13.00:9.00:56.99 -5.00:32.00:20.42 4.38
PI VIR 12.00:0.00:52.39 +6.00:36.00:51.43 4.66
CHI VIR 12.00:39.00:14.77 -7.00:59.00:44.23 4.66
61 VIR 13.00:18.00:24.31 -18.00:18.00:40.57 4.74
PSI VIR 12.00:54.00:21.16 -9.00:32.00:20.28 4.79
SIG VIR 13.00:17.00:36.28 +5.00:28.00:11.45 4.80
PHI VIR 14.00:28.00:12.14 -2.00:13.00:40.67 4.81
RHO VIR 12.00:41.00:53.06 +10.00:14.00:8.14 4.88
78 VIR 13.00:34.00:7.93 +3.00:39.00:32.12 4.94
16 VIR 12.00:20.00:20.98 +3.00:18.00:45.05 4.96
89 VIR 13.00:49.00:52.28 -18.00:8.00:3.11 4.97
70 VIR 13.00:28.00:25.80 +13.00:46.00:43.50 4.98
82 VIR 13.00:41.00:36.77 -8.00:42.00:10.93 5.01
32 VIR 12.00:45.00:37.06 +7.00:40.00:23.83 5.22
68 VIR 13.00:26.00:43.16 -12.00:42.00:27.71 5.25
83 VIR 13.00:44.00:29.82 -16.00:10.00:44.75 5.60
80 VIR 13.00:35.00:31.29 -5.00:23.00:46.30 5.73
44 VIR 12.00:59.00:39.52 -3.00:48.00:42.97 5.79
25 VIR 12.00:36.00:47.35 -5.00:49.00:54.83 5.87
35 VIR 12.00:47.00:51.41 +3.00:34.00:21.67 6.41

Deep Sky Objects

(PAS Catalog)


M-104 The Sombrero Galaxy. This is one of the finest showpiece objects in the sky. This beautiful edge-on galaxy is 8-10'x2', oriented E-W, and has an obvious central bulge, with a distinct dark lane running the length of the galaxy.


M-49 is an elliptical galaxy and was the first member of the Virgo cluster of galaxies discovered, by Charles Messier on February 19, 1771. It is also one of the brightest with its mag 8.5,


M-58 With dimensions of about 5'x2', this is one of the larger galaxies in this region. It is spindle-shaped, oriented NE-SW, and has a broadly concentrated center. There is a relatively bright star nearby to the west.


M-59 is a member of the Virgo cluster of galaxies, and one of the larger elliptical galaxies there, although it is considerably less luminous and massive than the greatest ellipticals in this cluster.


M-60 is conspicuous in telescopes starting from 4 inch because of its faint neighbor, NGC 4647, shown in the image. Photographs obtained with larger instruments, such as this one, show a large system of faint globular clusters


M-61 This galaxy is a face-on spiral, about 6'x4', oriented NNE-SSW. It is fairly even in brightness except for a stellar nucleus and some faint mottlings on its eastern and western sides.


M-84,M86 These relatively bright galaxies are very similar in appearance, and are visible in the same low-power field of view. M-84 is round, about 3' in diameter, has a large 1' diameter core, and a stellar nucleus. M-86 is larger (about 4' in diameter), and fainter, and also has a stellar nucleus.


(See M-84)


M-87 This is a very bright galaxy, about 4' in diameter, with a large core and non-stellar nucleus.


M-89 is another member of the Virgo cluster of galaxies, and apparently one of Messier's own discoveries. It is of elliptical type and nearly exactly circular, and it appears to be smoothly textured.


M-90 is one of the larger (9.5x4.5') spirals in the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies. It has tightly wounded, smooth bright spiral arms, which appear to be completely 'fossil', meaning that currently no star formation appears to take place, with the only exception of the inner disk region, near the darker dust lanes.

Other Deep Sky Objects

(Saguaro Astronomy Club Catalog)
  Only Objects less than 10.0 Mag.
Object R.A. Dec. Object Type 3 Mag. Uranometria Tirion
NGC 4216 12 15.9 +13 09 GALXY 10.0 193 13
NGC 4303 12 22.0 +04 29 GALXY 09.6 238 13
NGC 4365 12 24.5 +07 20 GALXY 09.6 193 13
NGC 4374 12 25.1 +12 54 GALXY 09.1 193 13
NGC 4406 12 26.3 +12 57 GALXY 08.9 193 13
NGC 4429 12 27.5 +11 07 GALXY 10.0 193 13
NGC 4472 12 29.8 +08 01 GALXY 08.4 193 13
NGC 4486 12 30.9 +12 24 GALXY 08.6 193 13
NGC 4526 12 34.1 +07 43 GALXY 09.7 194 13
NGC 4535 12 34.4 +08 13 GALXY 10.0 194 13
NGC 4552 12 35.7 +12 34 GALXY 09.8 194 13
NGC 4569 12 36.9 +13 10 GALXY 09.5 194 13
NGC 4579 12 37.8 +11 50 GALXY 09.7 194 13
NGC 4594 12 39.9 -11 37 GALXY 08 284 13
NGC 4621 12 42.1 +11 39 GALXY 09.6 194 13
NGC 4636 12 42.9 +02 42 GALXY 09.5 239 13
NGC 4649 12 43.7 +11 34 GALXY 08.8 194 13
NGC 4697 12 48.6 -05 48 GALXY 09.2 284 13
NGC 4699 12 49.1 -08 40 GALXY 09.5 284 13
NGC 4753 12 52.4 -01 12 GALXY 09.9 239 13
NGC 5068 13 18.9 -21 03 GALXY 10.0 330 21
NGC 5247 13 38.0 -17 53 GALXY 10.0 331 14
NGC 5846 15 06.5 +01 36 GALXY 10.0 243 14

Variable Stars

(General Catalog of Variable Stars)
  Only Objects <= 8.0 magnitude
(hh mm
(deg mm ss)
Variable Type 4 Mag. Min Mag. Max
RW Vir 12.00:4.00:41.10 -6.00:29.00:15.00 LB 7.38 6.72
SW Vir 13.00:11.00:29.70 -2.00:32.00:33.00 SRB 7.90 6.40
CS Vir 14.00:15.00:52.00 -18.00:29.00:8.00 ACV 5.95 5.84
CU Vir 14.00:9.00:43.80 +2.00:38.00:38.00 ACV 5.07 4.92
CW Vir 13.00:31.00:35.80 +3.00:54.00:54.00 ACV 4.99 4.91
DK Vir 13.00:13.00:51.30 -1.00:7.00:35.00 DSCTC 6.72 6.67
DL Vir 13.00:49.00:54.70 -18.00:27.00:45.00 EA 7.50 7.00
EP Vir 12.00:44.00:29.90 +6.00:13.00:27.00 ACV 6.39 6.29
ER Vir 14.00:3.00:59.20 -13.00:58.00:1.00 SRB 6.63 6.45
ET Vir 14.00:8.00:6.30 -16.00:4.00:0.00 SRB 5.00 4.80
EV Vir 14.00:10.00:27.20 -13.00:37.00:34.00 SRB 7.09 6.74
EZ Vir 14.00:18.00:17.30 -18.00:45.00:49.00 SRB 7.97 7.77
FF Vir 14.00:23.00:23.00 +1.00:13.00:4.00 ACV 7.13 7.07
FG Vir 12.00:11.00:41.60 -5.00:26.00:25.00 DSCTC 6.58 6.53
FH Vir 13.00:13.00:52.70 +6.00:46.00:8.00 SRB 7.45 6.92
FK Vir 12.00:21.00:38.50 +6.00:14.00:56.00 SRB 7.78 7.50
FM Vir 12.00:43.00:5.40 +7.00:56.00:47.00 DSCTC 5.28 5.20
FO Vir 13.00:27.00:14.10 +1.00:21.00:17.00 EB/KE 6.82 6.50
FP Vir 13.00:33.00:22.40 +8.00:32.00:52.00 SRB 7.35 6.72
FR Vir 14.00:6.00:14.30 -19.00:0.00:30.00 LB: 7.19 7.02
FS Vir 14.00:12.00:21.60 +3.00:34.00:7.00 LB: 6.52 6.37
FT Vir 12.00:25.00:17.50 -4.00:20.00:20.00 DSCTC 6.24 6.20
FW Vir 12.00:35.00:49.30 +2.00:7.00:46.00 SRB: 5.75 5.63
FZ Vir 12.00:26.00:35.70 -2.00:9.00:11.00 SRB 6.98 6.81
GG Vir 12.00:39.00:3.00 +10.00:42.00:0.00 DSCT 6.33 6.19
GR Vir 14.00:42.00:41.70 -6.00:31.00:30.00 EW/KW 0.45 7.80
GZ Vir 13.00:10.00:39.50 -2.00:17.00:27.00 DSCTC 0.03 8.00
HT Vir 13.00:43.00:36.10 +5.00:21.00:56.00 EW/KW 7.48 7.06
HX Vir 13.00:29.00:20.70 -18.00:28.00:18.00 DSCTC 0.02 6.01
II Vir 12.00:7.00:53.10 -7.00:29.00:46.00 DSCTC: 6.55 6.49
IO Vir 14.00:8.00:40.00 -7.00:30.00:42.00 M 6.00 4.00
alf Vir 13.00:22.00:33.30 -10.00:54.00:3.00 ELL+BCEP 0.10 0.95
rho Vir 12.00:39.00:21.20 +10.00:30.00:39.00 DSCTC 0.02 4.88
psi Vir 12.00:51.00:44.90 -9.00:16.00:4.00 LB 4.96 4.73
ome Vir 11.00:35.00:52.90 +8.00:24.00:40.00 LB 5.50 5.23

Double Stars

(Saguaro Astronomy Club Catalog)
  Only Objects <= 8.0 magnitude
Name R.A.
(hh mm.m)
(deg mm)
Mag 5 Sep 6 PA 7 Tirion Uranometria
STF 1627 12 18.1 -03 56 6.6, 6.9 20.10 196 13/ 14 238
STF 1670 12 41.7 -01 26 3.6, 3.7 3.70 295 13/ 14 239
SHJ 151 13 13.4 -18 49 6.8, 7.3 5.30 34 14 285/ 330
SHJ 162 13 15.0 -11 21 6.9, 7.8 79.30 49 14 285
STF 1734 13 20.7 02 56 6.7, 7.4 1.10 178 14 240
STF 1740 13 23.7 02 42 7.4, 7.6 26.50 75 14 240
STF 1763 13 37.6 -07 52 7.9, 7.9 2.70 40 14 285/ 286
STF 1788 13 55.0 -08 03 6.5, 7.7 3.40 94 14 286
STF 1833 14 22.7 -07 46 7.6, 7.6 5.70 173 14 287
STT 131 14 53.8 -00 25 8.0, 8.0 86.90 212 14 243
STF 1904 15 04.2 05 29 7.2, 7.2 10.10 347 14/ 15 198/ 243