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Current sky conditions for Peoria, IL:

Public meetings at the Planetarium in Downtown Peoria, IL

Parking at Peoria Riverfront Museum:

Parking is now free for all museum visitors.
All guests are welcome to park in the garage deck beneath the museum, which you enter from Water Street.
If you visit during regular museum hours, just bring your ticket in and the front desk will validate it.
Identify yourself as a PAS member here for the meeting, but should not have a problem after hours.
At the meeting time, you might have to take a ticket to park, but when you leave the gate will be up and you can just drive out.

Parking along the street at a meter should be free after 6:00pm.
If you park on the Washington Street side of the museum, come in the front entrance, then go down the hallway to the left; the planetarium is at the end of that hallway.
If you park on the Water Street side (ie. along Water Street, in the deck beneath the restaurants, or in the lot next to Martinis), access the museum through the parking deck beneath the museum.
Come into the museum through the double doors at the far left side of the parking deck.
At the end of the hallway there are stairs and an elevator.
Come up to the second floor and walk down the hallway to the planetarium.

After hours, certain doors to the museum will be locked. If you find the front entrances are locked, please walk around down to the garage deck beneath the museum to enter through those doors.

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